Thursday, November 2

Hi Res/ Lo Res

The current exhibit in the Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University, "Hi Res/Lo Res," opens tonight. This exhibit explores the theme of digital art; what place it has in the contemporary art scene and to what lenghths digital art can be taken.

This piece was done as an exploration of the types of organic shapes that can be created on a computer. Monochromatic, the most important elements are line, shadow, and shape. In person the forms look almost hand drawn; aside from the perfect unity of the lines these could be passed off as creations straight from the artist's hand.

This image was interesting to me because it looks like bone marrow. The image is purely imagined, but it looks like something from a science book.

This diptic is my favorite piece in the exhibit; the scale is pretty impressive, but even more so because the whole thing is hand beaded. I don't know where the image itself came from, but the artist took the digital image, transfered it to these 4'X4' canvases, then hand stiched beads and jewels over the entire thing. The combination of the machine with meticulous human attention to detail is an interesting idea.