Lately I've become a little overwhelmed with the abundance of Toyota in my life; one of my coworkers was fired several weeks ago, and the two of us who have no school or family obligations have been filling in the shifts he would have been responsible for. I spend my days longing to discuss anything other than cars and maintenance schedules. So today I talked Zack and Nathan into going to Balboa park with me before they went off to play Frisbee Golf. We went to the Museum of Photographic Arts for a show called "Picturing Eden" that explores the concept of Eden and examines the way photographic artists try to find paradise in the modern world.
One pleasant surprise was this image by Sally Mann, one of my favorite photographers.
We also took time to explore the botanical gardens.
After lunch the guys went off to their Frolf game and I decided that I hadn't absorbed enough culture to counteract my week, so I went to the MCASD by myself. Right now they have an exhibit up called "Soundwaves: The Art of Sampling". Most of the works have something to do with colors corresponding to sounds, and the works were fairly predictable.
One installation that was interesting was a work by Celeste Boursier-Mougenot "untitled". Though I hate when artists call their stuff "untitled", I liked the audio quality of the work. The artist had arranged three pools of water with various cups and bowls floating inside that collide and create spontaneous tones.
This work was an assortment of distillations and containers, labeled as various musical components, representing the way a work of art is made.
Nancy Reubens "Pleasure Point" in the sculpture garden...I think I might survive the week now; I've had my culture fix.