Regina Spektor played The Grove on Halloween, and because my sound engineer friend was kind enough to think of me, we got into the show with a simple "I'm on the list." Arriving on stage in a Zorro style mask and cape, she started the show acapella and then spent a good portion of it behind her grand piano. I love seeing Regina live because her voice has the most amazing range, and her songs are composed so that she can really improvise and play around with the dynamics. The only complaint I have about the show is that it started kind of late, which meant I got home kind of late, and having to work the next morning was rough. Also, I wasn't sure if The Grove allowed photography so I left my camera in the car only to find out that they do indeed allow photography. I took this picture when I got costume for the day since we weren't encouraged to dress up at work.

The other activity of the night? Chris took me to see the new developments at Chapman University. Bellow is a picture of where my dorm once stood; RIP
Braden Dorm.