For those who have not yet heard, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is expanding by adding a wing to house a contemporary art collection. I find this interesting because the Museum of Contemporary Art is located in almost exactly the same area of LA. The MOCA, which has three separate wings and the capacity to exhibit such substantial shows as "Ecstasy: In and About Altered States", "WACK!:Art and the Feminist Revolution", and "Murakami". In my opinion the MOCA has the contemporary art thing pretty well covered. There are certain things about the new LACMA addition that I'm excited about though; the fact that two Richard Serra steel sculptures will be installed and available to walk through, and the fact that there will be a whole wing of works by Cindy Sherman. I suspect that part of the motivation to increase the size of the museum is in order to compete with the East coast art scene. If nothing else, the new addition will give Chapman art students something to visit and write papers on.