Inside of the tupper ware container, resembling something that has been regurgitated, is a mixture of orange Jello, cottage cheese, carrots, bell peppers, and possibly chives. Yes, it looks like vomit in a tupper ware tub, and Chris' mom thinks it's delicious.
Sunday, February 3
Mystery Dish
My grandma used to have a signature dish that she would serve at every formal meal. It was basically red Jello with fruit and nuts mixed in, placed atop a single leaf of iceberg lettuce and topped with cool whip. I remember thinking that it was the most disgusting thing in the world, and even as a kid I could not bring myself to call it "salad" as she did. Not until recently have I found something, made from Jello, that was more disgusting. While visiting Chris this weekend he showed me a Jello dish that had been given to his family. Take a gander:

Inside of the tupper ware container, resembling something that has been regurgitated, is a mixture of orange Jello, cottage cheese, carrots, bell peppers, and possibly chives. Yes, it looks like vomit in a tupper ware tub, and Chris' mom thinks it's delicious.
Inside of the tupper ware container, resembling something that has been regurgitated, is a mixture of orange Jello, cottage cheese, carrots, bell peppers, and possibly chives. Yes, it looks like vomit in a tupper ware tub, and Chris' mom thinks it's delicious.