Tuesday, November 24

Western Center Volunteering

I began volunteering at the Western Center Museum recently. My first day working with the public was last week when I shadowed a school field trip. It was a fairly easy day; fossil molding, video viewing, and soil sorting. Overall it seemed like the kids had a good time, and hopefully learned something. The photo above is of the group watching the video about where fossils come from. Bellow is a sloth that probably would have scared the hell out of me when I was little, if you look at it from this angle it looks like it's going to attack.
Bellow are Max and Xena, the resident Mastodon and Mammoth.
Hopefully I'll be able to put in some more time here because it's a really interesting museum. For some reason I tend to find myself volunteering at new museums like this instead of more established ones, but my goal is to actually do some good and learn a little more about museums at the same time.