Thursday, August 5


As a bank teller I am required to be prepared for a bank robbery; even in our little mountain town branch we have to attend regular classes and know how to be prepared. Yesterday I attended a class to refresh branch policies. One thing we were reminded of was to remain objective, do not discuss details about the robber with other people until we have recorded our own; conflicting interpretations could cloud the true series of events. I support this policy, but find this little image provided for us in direct conflict with it.

Be objective, but here, take this flier to help you fill in the details.What did "he" look like? Well apparently he's going to be an average size, white male, in his 20s to 30s. Probably fresh from the Navy...since he has an anchor tattoo sticking out of his right sleeve. I understand that the majority of bank robbers are male, and young, but not all of them are, and the idea that we're supposed to avoid any outside influence but are given a clear cut image from which to draw upon is ridiculous. I'm tempted to turn this dude into a paper doll and provide various disguises, piercings, and tattoos to add to him; perhaps a doo rag, converse, beer slogan t-shirt, snow parka, wig selection, fake facial hair. The only thing stopping me is that I don't want to be accused of taking robbery lightly; I don't, but I do think there could be a better form provided in our robbery packets. As for this one? If I'm ever robbed by a Navy man from the 1950s, I guess I'm all set.