Saturday, March 15

Grant Woods

'American Gothic'1930, has become one of the most famous American paintings in history; parodied almost as excessively as the Mona Lisa. It's painter, Grant Woods, is seldom recognized for his other works though. I recently read an article on 'American Gothic' on NPR's website. It compelled me to see what else Grant Wood had done in his lifetime; I feel like I discovered a whole new artist. One extra note on 'American Gothic', the picture bellow is of the models for the painting. Grant's sister, Nan, and the family dentist; it's interesting to see how Wood changed his sister's face to make it more like the dentists and make her age more ambiguous.

'American Gothic' was not Grant's first time painting a family member; his painting 'Woman with a Plant' 1929 is a portrait of his mother, inspired by 16th century Italian portraiture.

His painting 'Daughters of Revolution' 1932 also interests me; largely because of the unusual composition.

After his success with 'American Gothic' wood was commissioned to create a stained glass window for the Veteran's Memorial building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

He did some landscapes; this is 'Young Corn' 1931.

His depictions of himself are interesting as well; apparently he felt like he was on display after 'AG' became such a success. This painting 'Return from Bohemia' 1935 is a pretty clear depiction of that.

This is 'Death on Ridge Road' 1935.

Finally, a sculpture that is a tribute to his home town; 'Corn Cob Chandelier'.