Friday, April 4


I recently read an article in the New York Times about an exhibit being shown in Harlem. It's a survey of contemporary African artists; all twenty artists were born in Africa after 1970 and have since moved, but their work has a universal African inspiration. "Afropolitanism" is the accompanying "ism" for the show, as if the art world needed another pretentious "ism". The general idea is that these artists' ideas do not stem from a specific physical place, but rather a fluid concept; thus the title "Flow." I've chosen a few of the pieces from the NY Times slide show that I enjoyed.

This bronze sculpture, 'The Long Crossing,' is by Thierry Fontaine

This is a still from a movie called 'The Stranger' by Joel Andrianomearisoa. The movie is about the progression of man through his life.

This is a dwelling titled 'DO2' designed by architect Olalekan B Jeyifous.